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Recursos útiles

5 December, 2018

Healthy nutrition in vacations

By Melisa Steinberg de Spiler. Nutritionist (Professional License Number: 5960) It is known that nutrition is crucial in the first years of life, because it establishes […]
15 November, 2018

What is Child Sexual Abuse?

Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is one of the worst forms of violence against children and adolescents. “CSA occurs when children are involved in sexual activities that […]
16 July, 2018

Solidary Burako tournament

We organized a Burako tournament to obtain the necessary funds so the kids can have beautiful winter holidays. This event was a success and we achieved our […]
12 July, 2018

Life is with others

To be born means to enter a world inhabited by others. And those others -family, friends, neighborhood, community- are the ones that gave us a place […]
3 July, 2018

About butterflies (and childhood)

  It was not intentional but, as everything that happens in Ieladeinu, this is a special story. A little plant arrived, and later on we found […]
3 July, 2018

News about the children or about what we learn in Ieladeinu


“Proteger a los niños de la violencia es una cuestión urgente. Los niños han sufrido durante siglos la violencia de los adultos sin ser vistos ni oídos. Ahora que las consecuencias de toda forma de violencia contra los niños están comenzando a ser más conocidas, es necesario prevenir esta violencia y proteger a los niños de manera eficaz, como lo exige su derecho incuestionable”.

Estudio Mundial de Violencia contra niños de las Naciones Unidas.


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