General News

Healthy nutrition in vacations
5 December, 2018
From hope to happiness
10 April, 2019

New entry at the Homes

There are news that do not make us happy but reinforce the sense that it is important that we keep doing what we are doing, every day better, and every day for more children and adolescents in our Community who need it.

We received a new teen girl in our Homes. We are working to accompany her in her suffering and help her to undergo pain.

Thank you for joining us to continue fulfilling this important mission!

Bat Mitzvah

We celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of one of the girls and, like every time, we are thrilled to see her grow, and committed to her identity and future.

For us, these moments are a clue that there is much more to work but also an opportunity to give us a hug, because there is also much to celebrate. Mazal Tov, Mazal Tov, Mazal Tov!



We celebrated the commitment of one of the young women that we supported together with her brothers since she was very young. 

We are proud to be part of life and have contributed to make this joy possible!

Closing activity of the Volunteering area

We met to celebrate a year of hard work. We made an evaluation and each volunteer had the chance to talk about their experiences and wishes for 2019.

 We thank all those who day by day are part of this great program and offer their time with so much love and dedication!!!


Empowering Youth (on vacation mode)

With great joy, we want to tell you that a group of "Empowering Youth" enjoyed the beach in Valeria del Mar during last weekend. 

They were days of much learning and fun.



Flag escort!

We celebrated that a young woman of the Home promoted to fifth year and was chosen as flag escort.

We are proud to see them grow, overcome obstacles and achieve goals with will and much effort.

To more achievements like this!

Tools to promote autonomy and work opportunities

With the aim of providing the young people of the Home with tools to promote their autonomy, we started a work program which, in this first stage, includes a jewelry workshop.


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