Sometimes the Child Protection Authorities sadly prohibit children to live with their families until certain improvements about their care and protection are granted.
Las month a judge ruled that three brothers with child protection measures were admitted in one of our homes. They weren’t unknown to Ieladeinu. Our Professionals of Family Strenghtening had been working on the case for a while, trying to assist the family with new parenting guidelines in order to protect them.
After trying everything, we are sad because the boys are in fact affected by the separation measure from their parents. However, we are also proud to be part of the solution by providing a safe home for them.
It only took a few days of adaptation, now the children understand and enjoy the dynamics of the home. The professionals have begun the therapeutic intervention with them and their family with the main goal of being together again.
There are many stories in which we intervene like this, providing protection, containment and love. One of the many opportunities we have to make a difference.